If you’re visiting Yogyakarta, it’s not perfect unless you enjoy delicious food at a pocket-friendly price. Besides the warm Catgut catfish and Bamijowo, there is a Bronco slice here. Oh, it’s popular in Yogyakarta, but Bronco slices are said to have originated from Demag.
Imagine the deliciousness of a soft beef cullet soaked in a thick, spicy sauce. It will be even more delicious if you enjoy it with warm rice. Serve in a bowl or sprinkle rice directly on top of the rice. You can also eat a variety of bronco rice with tempeh, basem tofu and crackers.
According to the news that is spreading, Broncos rice was only available to aristocrats because it was made from beef in the olden days. Not surprisingly, Bronco Slice is one of Sultan Hamenku Bwono X’s favorite flagship menus.
At first glance, it looks like rawon. But they are not the same. Both brongkos and rawon use kluwek as a cooking spice. However, there are differences between the contents and the soup variations.
Rawon is commonly served with bean sprouts and beef pieces, but Broncos contains toro beans, merinjo skins, tofu, eggs, meat and fat pieces.
Also, since Broncos sauce uses coconut milk, it has a thick texture and a light black color. It is sweet and fragrant and has a slightly spicy taste.
For those interested in the taste of Broncos, one recommendation for the legendary store is Warung Broncos Handayani near Alun-alun Kidul.
Founded in 1975, the stall offers a special menu of Bronco slices ready to shake your tongue for only Rp25,000 *.
As a review after enjoying some of the Broncos rice, don’t forget to order taped old school ice, young coconut, and a glass sprinkled with coconut milk and syrup.
* Prices are valid depending on the date the article was created
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Source :www.pegipegi.com/travel/nasi-brongkos-santapan-asal-demak-yang-jadi-favorit-sultan-di-yogyakarta-2/
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