Who says sunscreen works only for you, who often work outside the home? As you know, this one treatment product is also useful for home activities.
Indeed, sunscreens were created to minimize damage to the skin due to exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet rays (UV). The screen is often used as the primary weapon before playing on the beach or in the middle of a hot city.
However, Work from home (WFH) You still need it. This is because UV rays can enter the room through glass, doors, and the sides of windows, even if they are not directly exposed.
not only that. Both UVA and UVB UV rays can have a negative effect on the skin. This is because UVA rays can actually penetrate the room through the glass, even when the weather is cloudy.
Danger without sunscreen
So what are the risks that can be affected if the skin is not protected by sunscreen at home?
The danger of UVA rays cannot be underestimated as it can cause skin aging. Several things can occur, including the appearance of fast wrinkles and darkening due to overpigmentation.
On the other hand, the effects caused by exposure to UVB rays are not as severe as UVA rays. Because UVB light tends to have shorter wavelengths, it cannot penetrate the house like UVA light.
However, UVB rays are the main cause of sunburn (Sunburn). Therefore, using sunscreen indoors and indoors has no problem preventing the bad potential of the two UV rays.
Its usage is different
The use of sunscreen has the same purpose to protect yourself from UVA and UVB rays. However, the usage issues are definitely different.
If you want to go out, use sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes in advance. On the other hand, if you’re just in the house, office, or room all day, you can always use sunscreen.
The SPF or sunscreen factor contained on the screen itself can be readjusted as needed. The higher the SPF number of the sunscreen, the longer it will take the product to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight.
For those planning outdoor activities, sunscreens with high SPF content are usually needed. However, if you’re just staying at home or in a closed room all day, you can choose to use a screen with a low SPF content.
Now, the most important thing is the right time to use sunscreen. Before applying sunscreen to your entire face, it is important to make sure your skin is dry. Also, try using sunscreen to reach all parts of the face.
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Source :www.pegipegi.com/travel/pentingnya-sunscreen-untuk-jaga-kesehatan-kulit-selama-dirumahaja/
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