7 Indonesian dishes suitable for diet

6.5K 7 A typical delicious Indonesian dish suitable for a diet plan to lose weight? quiet! There are many delicious Indonesian food funs that are suitable for you to eat on a diet. There are various dishes in Indonesia ...

Are you planning to lose weight? quiet! There are many delicious Indonesian food funs that are suitable for you to eat on a diet.

Indonesia has a variety of healthy foods rich in fiber. These vegetable-based dishes are very useful for dieting programs.

With a variety of spices, this dish ranges from savory and sweet to spicy, ready to shake your tongue. It’s low in fat and calories, so you can eat the food below without worrying about your weight.

Are you interested in? Here is a line of healthy culinary delights for a typical Indonesian diet. Let’s ask!

1. Ketoprac

At first glance, Sunda’s special menu, Caledok, is almost the same as Gado-gado. The difference is that the vegetables of Caledok are served raw and with the addition of cucumber and basil leaves. Karedok’s peanut sauce also has Kenker added, so it tastes different from Hodge Pod. Additional tips on this menu will be added to his fun.

2. Gado Gado

Gado-gado is an easy-to-find vegetarian menu. This typical bettawi menu consists of sliced ​​green vegetables such as boiled cabbage, long beans and sprouts. There are other additions in the form of tempeh, tofu, boiled eggs and potatoes. Everything ends with choking with peanut sauce and sprinkling with crackers. It’s delicious and sells this menu for everything from street vendors to restaurants.

3. Pesel

Pecel is a very legendary traditional Javanese dish. You can find this dish in every corner of your dwelling. Papaya leaves, cassava leaves, and bean sprouts are sprinkled on the chayote and then sprinkled with a sweet and spicy peanut sauce. Of course, the tongue doesn’t stop eating it. For those on a diet, pecel will be a fairly fulfilling meal.

4. Ointment

For those who like to eat leaves, ointments can be a good food alternative. Ointments provided with pink or banana leaves include long beans, bean sprouts, cabbage, spinach, or kale and sprinkled with grated coconut. Everything is formulated with mboksiyah spices consisting of pepper, shrimp paste and salt. Since vegetables and simple spices are the mainstream, ointments are suitable to call a typical Indonesian salad with simple spices. Ideal for those on a strict diet.

5. Chepan

Choi bread, which originates from Pontianak, is a delicious treat. This snack, often eaten by Pontianak and Singkawang residents, is made from thinly sliced ​​Jicama and can be tasted with garlic-coated shrimp. Soak in a spicy and sweet sauce to ensure your tongue is soothed by eating choi bread. A low-calorie, low-fat snack suitable for an afternoon snack, perfect for those on a diet.

6. Cassava vegetables

The fun of this dish is easily found in Padang and Betawi dishes. Boiled cassava leaves must undergo a crushing process before being placed in a rich sauce. Now, the sauce itself contains various spices such as garlic, onions, lemongrass, galangal, cinnamon and chili.

7. Asinan Betawi

Asinan betawi usually contains vegetables such as mustard, cauliflower, bean sprouts, lettuce, stir-fried peanuts, and white tofu. The soup is in the form of a fresh peanut sauce mixed with vinegar and chili peppers. As a side note, a yellow noodle cracker has been added to Asinan Betawi. Vegetables do not go through an automated cooking process, so they contain so many nutrients that vitamins and minerals are not damaged or lost. Also, if you sprinkle peanut sauce on top of pickles, it contains a lot of protein, so it is perfect for those who have a strict diet.

Want to spend your vacation looking for food? Yes, I can. For simplicity, don’t forget to order, and with peggy!

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Source :www.pegipegi.com/travel/7-kuliner-lezat-khas-indonesia-yang-cocok-buat-diet/
