6 Important Travel Tips for Diabetics

Travel It’s a lot of fun. Diabetics, including you.

In addition to being able to open up new insights, you have the opportunity to try many things. From exciting attractions to delicious food.

But keep in mind, Travel For diabetes, it’s not easy.There are many restrictions and things to keep in mind Travel By the person who is suffering.

But calm down, Pegi Pegi has six important tips Travel You can practice for diabetics. Listen to the following!

Drink plenty of mineral water

Diabetes occurs because the pancreas interferes with insulin production. Now, one way to overcome this is to drink plenty of mineral water. Mineral water works because it helps lower blood sugar levels, thereby keeping it under control. In addition, you need to maintain the mineral content of your body. Do not run out of liquid.

Stay active

Too much sugar in the blood can be minimized by physical activity. By moving, the body burns the sugar content in the blood into energy. But if you don’t want to be complicated, you can choose a tourist destination that relies on physical durability. For example, groups can hike, swim and tour the city.

Check the menu before buying

Travel Incomplete without cooking hunting. But keep in mind that not all foods found are safe for your health. But calm down, you just need to find the information before you buy it. Avoid foods that can cause elevated blood sugar levels. If you don’t have a menu, you can still google for a while or contact the seller directly.

Available insulin and diabetes medications

One thing to keep in mind when traveling with diabetes is the stock of injectable insulin. Insulin itself is a hormone that aims to help the body process the sugar it absorbs into its energy. Insulin also serves to store a reserve of energy that the body can use later if it needs a day. You will also need to bring sugar medicine to help maintain your blood sugar.

Arm yourself with healthy snacks

If you have a lot of diabetes, your snack consumption is limited. But that doesn’t mean you can’t eat light meals, you know. In fact, doctors crush to eat a small meal at a particular time. But you can’t just choose a snack. Bring plenty of mineral-containing fruits and vegetables, considering that you need a lot of fiber and nutrition.

Set an alarm to eat or take medicine

Time is definitely something you will miss during your vacation. It’s easy to forget when you eat or take medicine. Now, it’s a good idea to set an alarm on your smartphone so that all your medication and meal schedules are properly recorded. So you don’t have to remember the last time you ate or took your medicine.

I have a plan for that Travel In the near future? For simplicity, don’t forget to order, and peggy!

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Source :www.pegipegi.com/travel/6-tips-penting-traveling-bagi-penderita-diabetes/
