The increase in COVID-19 patients in Indonesia certainly warns us even more. The first preventative measure we can take is to maintain cleanliness and health. It is not impossible for everything to return to “normal” more quickly by taking various precautions and following government recommendations in a disciplined manner.Then how about the conditions Travel After a while?We can until we estimate Travel back?Here are six phases to be “safe” in the world Travel Pegi Pegi summarizes this.
Phase 1: Fretting started (January-February 2020)
There was news that the coronavirus began to spread in Wuhan, China from the end of 2019, but Indonesian people were only aware of the danger of this virus in early 2020. Than China such as Italy, Algeria, Brazil, Denmark, Netherlands, Malaysia. This also strains the Indonesian people, as the coronavirus is likely to come to Indonesia at any time.
Phase 2: Social Panic (March 2020)
To be precise, on March 2, 2020, at the beginning of March, President Joko Widodo announced that two Depok residents had tested positive for the coronavirus. At this time, people began to panic. Especially after the first case, COVID-19 cases continued to increase in Indonesia, especially in the DKI Jakarta area and surrounding areas.
Phase 3: Accepting the situation (March-May 2020)
Over time, the coronavirus has spread more and more to various regions such as Banten, Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, NTT, NTB, Marc and Papua. That’s why the government urged the entire community to do so. Physical distance Or physical distance, then telecommuting policy (Work from home), Distance Education Law (School from home) And the charm of the community of being at home (stay at home).
Not only that, the government has distributed hundreds of thousands of tools to break the COVID-19 chain more quickly. Rapid inspection All over Indonesia. To support this, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has also issued a Large Social Restriction (PSBB) regulation, which has been phased out in several areas such as DKI Jakarta, Depot and Bekasi.
This phase has a big impact on the world Travel.. Many are forced to cancel or change their travel plans. Interestingly, all individuals at this stage have become more concerned about health and hygiene. Above all, some preventive efforts. Sunbathing, washing hands with regular soap, taking vitamins, and staying at #dirumahaja were done with full consciousness.
Phase 4: Reset (June-July 2020)
It is estimated that after mid-2020, the situation will begin to improve if communities take various precautions and follow government recommendations in a disciplined manner. In this phase, each individual or organization starts slowly from the beginning.Similarly from the sector Travel, Especially airplanes. There may still be many airlines that have not resumed operations as before, but some of them, even just to some destinations, will begin to open flight routes. Considering that at this stage some Indonesians seem to be returning to work and starting to work outside the home, they prioritize the destinations often chosen for business trips.
Phase 5: Start of adaptation (August-September 2020)
Despite adapting to new situations after the pandemic, at this stage Indonesians are starting to work, socialize and act, and dare to carry out their daily lives as before. TravelEspecially in the country (domestic). On the other hand, transportation service providers, especially airlines, may have stricter regulations. Apart from the ticket check boarding passFor KTP / passports and baggage, your doctor may ask you to take a temperature test, COVID-19 test until you need to bring a medical certificate.
Phase 6: Restoration period (October 2020-March 2021)
In recent months, Indonesian people seem to have entered the “recovery” stage. There, they are safer and confident in carrying out various activities successfully.So even from the side Travel, Not 100% recovered yet, but at least my favorite hotels and villas have reopened. In addition, the holiday destination Indonesian city has reopened its best tourist attractions.
We still don’t know when the pandemic will end, but we hope we can remain enthusiastic and always optimistic.So you can use TravelTips and Instagram @ pegi_pegi to find various interesting inspirations about so you don’t get bored while at home Travel.. When everything is back to “normal”, plan your vacation and order. And with Pegi Pegi!
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