Explore the seven cities of Indonesia's birth of independent heroes

Republic of Longevity, Indonesia! Thank you, Independent Hero, your service will never be forgotten.

So we can make memories of independent heroes in different ways. One of them is to know his character through his hometown.Apart from being able to imitate the appearance and history of his achievements knowing the city of birth of these heroes, it can also be your inspiration. Travel Next. be interested? Let’s start exploring!

Surabaya-Sukarno & Sutomo

Well known as Soekarno or Bung Karno and Sutomo, or Bung Tomo, both were born in Surabaya.Sukarno himself played an important role The figure of the founder of Pancasila, the proclaimer of Indonesian independence and the founder of the nation. The first president of Indonesia was also known as an orator who was good at arousing fighting spirit. Bung Tomo, on the other hand, is a journalist from Surabaya who is popular with the slogan “Freedomor Death”. In addition, Bun Tomo was known for his enthusiasm for raising people to fight the Dutch.

From two people, we can imitate the fighting spirit they have done to apply in our daily lives.Surabaya itself is known as a city of heroes with various tourist attractions hit You know for you to visit!


Source: Popz Astro

Bukittinggi-Mohammad Hatta

Mohammad Hatta or Bun Hatta are also proclaimers. Bunhatta, who accompanied Sukarno as the first Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, was a simple yet intelligent and critical person. In addition, he is known as a politician and a pioneer of co-operatives. From him we can illustrate that simplicity is a hidden intellect.

Bukittinggi is the hometown of Bunhatta and was formerly The capital of the Republic of Indonesia. To be precise, it was when Yogyakarta (then the capital of the country) was occupied by the Dutch. Bukittinggi is home to a variety of popular attractions, including the Clock Tower, the Sianok Valley, and the Panorama Park with the Japanese Hole.


Source: Bukittinggitourism

Yogyakarta-Kihajarde Wantara

Known as an educational hero, Ki Hajar Dewantara is also an activist of the Indonesian independence movement. A politician and a pioneer in education for Dutch colonial indigenous Indonesians. Apart from the establishment of Taman Siswa, his great contribution to the field of education in Indonesia continues to celebrate his birthday, May 2, as National Education Day. The famous slogan of Ki Hajar Dewantara so far is “Ing ngarsa sung tuladha, ing madya building karsa, tut wuri handayani “, That is It means, “The front person gives an example, the middle person gives encouragement / support, and the back person gives encouragement.”

Ki Hajar Dewantara was born in Pakualaman, Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta itself is one of the popular tourist destinations for Indonesians. The debate about this one city never ends!


Source: Ryan Nifsya

Jepara-RA Cartini

The appearance of Raden Ajeng Kartini or RA Kartini for short is synonymous with the Women’s Liberation Movement or the rise of Indonesian women. Coming from a noble family, it does not undermine his noble mission and enthusiasm This national hero fights for the liberation and equality of women’s rights. as a result, Women’s participation in public places today is inseparable from the RA Cartini struggle. He is also known as the person behind the phrase “after the darkness has brightened” and is translated “from darkness to light.”

RA Kartini was born in Jepara, famous for its arts and crafts. Besides world-class wood carving, the city is popular for its wide selection of fascinating natural attractions.


Source: Angger Tsu

Aceh-Chu Nyak Din

Cut Nyak Dhien is an Indonesian heroine from Aceh. He came from a noble family, but his horrifying appearance made him very scared of the Dutch. Without hesitation, he led the army during the Aceh War, mostly men. This courage was born from the death of her husband, Teuku Cek Ibrahim Lamnga while fighting. Kat Nyak Dien then married Teuku Umar and fought with the Dutch. Even after Teuk Umar died, he had a hard time stopping the occupation. From Cut Nyak Dhien, we can demonstrate that our unwavering humble attitude and strong determination combine to make us a winner.

Aceh itself is known as the veranda of Mecca. Apart from historic tours, you can also find other interesting attractions here. Yes, get ready to be amazed!


Source: Muhammad Hatta Building Lobby


General Sudirman was born in the village of Bodaskaranjati in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java. This number has never been separated from the history of the Indonesian independence movement. General Sudirman was also known for refusing to submit to anyone and avoiding negotiations with the Dutch. He thought this would only weaken Indonesia’s position for independence. His tenacity to defend his independence continued to burn, even if he was ill. On a stretcher, General Sudirman continued to fight with his army.

“Hard work does not betray the results.” This sentence is consistent with what General Sudirman did. Thanks to his tenacity with all the military, Indonesia is finally able to enjoy independence!


Source: Nekad Traveler

Marc-Martha Christina Tia Huff

Martha Christina Tiahaf is often referred to as the Marcland heroine. Although she was still very young (at that time), Martha Christina Tiahaf was a brave woman armed against the Dutch by Capitan Paulus Tiahaf, one of the leaders of the Marc People’s Army. In his struggle, this national hero played a role in the battle on Saparua Island.

Thanks to this sacrifice, the Marc government created a monument to commemorate his service. The Martha Christina Tiahaf Memorial is a testament to the historic courage to protect the hometown of Marc women. Besides the historic monuments, Marc has many attractions, especially nature is really cool.


Source: Pesona Marc

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Source :www.pegipegi.com/travel/jelajah-7-kota-kelahiran-pahlawan-kemerdekaan-indonesia/
