Drinking coffee It has become a lifestyle. Not only enjoy the taste Drinking coffee It’s also a way to find inspiration and add relationships. You can take beautiful pictures especially in fun places. Well, before it appeared, the city of Jakarta had many legendary coffee shops offering unique flavors. anywhere? Check out the reviews below and let’s go!
Takky iced coffee
Founded in 1927, the Tak Kie Es Coffee shop is located in an alley or, to be exact, in the gang Gloria of Taman Sari, Pinancia, Glodok, Jakarta Besar Seratan III in West Jakarta. Featuring wooden chairs and hanging fans, this old building offers a blend of Lampung, Toraja and Sidikalang arabica and Robusta coffees. Hot milk coffee and cold milk coffee are the flagship products of TakKie’s Es Coffee shop.
Kong Djie Coffee
Founded in 1934, Bunkaviritung’s legendary coffee shop is located in a variety of locations. For example, Kelapa Gading, Citra Garden 6, Mangga Besar, Tanjung Duren Barat. In addition to milk coffee, Kong Djie Coffee also has a distinctive Robusta bitterness, as well as a distinctive Arabica aroma and sour Copio aka Black Coffee.
Johnny’s coffee
Popular as a place Drinking coffee Subscriptions to renowned lawyers Hotman Paris, Kopi Johny or Kwang Koan Kopi Johny can be found at Jalan Raya Klp. Copior 1, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. Its main coffees are black coffee and milk coffee, which have a unique flavor of Manado. Baozi stuffed with chocolate, chicken and soft red beans can also be used as a coffee companion.
Baco El Coffey
Jalan Cikini Raya No. It is in. 25, Menten, Central Jakarta, Bacoel Coffey or Waruntingi PD have existed since 1878. Ice cold brew, brew coffee, cappuccino or latte and even jams can be found here.You can choose a snack OntbijtkoekA typical Dutch spice cake made from wheat combined with the unique spices of, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg.
Phenham’s unique coffee milk taste simplicity is a special pleasure. Jalan KH Wahid Hasyim No, founded in 1946. Coffee shop in. 12, Menten, Central Jakarta offers Toraja coffee with a unique aroma and taste. Over a cup of coffee, you’ll also find Fenham’s rich toast, brown fried rice, and Hokkien noodles.
It’s 5 places Drinking coffee Enjoy the “old” taste of Jakarta that you really have to try. While sipping a coffee, you’ll find exciting inspiration for interesting destinations and hotel recommendations.
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Main photo: Kristina Paukshtite from Pexels
Source :www.pegipegi.com/travel/5-tempat-ngopi-dengan-cita-rasa-tempo-doeloe-di-jakarta/
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