5 Tips for Cleaning and Cleaning Your Home During WFH # DiRumahAja

It seems less than two weeks have passed since the government of #dirumahaja worked on it. There are many things you can do besides work, one of which is cleaning your house!

If you feel that cleaning your house is rare, now is the time. In addition, I participated in the prevention of coronavirus by cleaning the house.

If you are not used to it, please calm down! Because Pegi Pegi is now ready to help clean the house. Of course, here are some tips:

Sort clothes

If you are too lazy, you can start by cleaning up the contents of your wardrobe. Frequent and rarely worn clothes can be undressed and categorized.

From there, you can locate your clothes in your wardrobe. Put the clothes you wear often in the front position. Do the opposite for clothes that are rarely worn.

In addition to that, you can also categorize the clothes you can’t wear. It’s too small or an old school. You can really donate, so don’t throw it away.

Window cleaning

The window is the main gate of the air circulation in the house. So a lot of dust got on the windows. So, if possible, clean the windows immediately every day. Keep dust out of the room immediately.

Cleaning the windows is also a great start before doing the same for the rest of the room.

Vacuum hidden corner

In addition to cleaning windows and cleaning the floor, you can also start cleaning various hidden corners of your house. It starts at the corner of the sofa, the bottom of the wardrobe, the bed, and the corner of the carpet.

This is because these corners store not only a lot of dust, but also bad bacteria and viruses that are carried away by the dust. Besides using a vacuum cleaner, you can also vacuum and dust it before throwing it away.

In addition, you can clean the air conditioner and air conditioner if it’s not cold. For this you can call an expert.

Change the position of the room

Your room is the most comfortable place you can have at home. So, to make it more comfortable and less boring, you can change the location of your room, you know.

Start by moving your bed to a wider range, moving your work desk closer to the window, or moving your TV table closer.

Spray disinfectant

Due to the high incidence of the Covid-19 virus, you should use to prevent the spread of the virus. This liquid helps kill bacteria, bacteria, or viruses that adhere to the surface of an object.

You can get disinfectants by purchasing at supermarkets and online stores. In addition to that, you can also make it yourself. how? Simply mix 2 tablespoons of clothing bleach or liquid carbonate with 1 liter of clean water.

Place the mixture in a closed plastic or glass spray bottle. Don’t forget to apply a damp microfiber cloth and wipe it off.

Have you missed a holiday? Yes, please wait. You’ll only be at home at first, as you can get the Pegi Pegi again later. Now, while WFH is at home, you can start planning your vacation with a message, and at Pegi Pegi!

Don’t forget to install the Pegipegi application from Google Play or the App Store to make trading cheaper and easier.

Source :www.pegipegi.com/travel/5-tips-membersihkan-dan-merapikan-rumah-selama-wfh-dirumahaja/
